
Sunday, December 01, 2019

Feel Good Thanksgiving & Feel Good Friday...On Sunday...

We had a really great day on Thanksgiving!

It was awesome to hang out with my siblings, my nieces (and family), my great niece (who is beyond adorable!) and the extended family members! We had awesome food, great conversation, and a pretty much no-stress day. We even had a fire outside, which is my ultimate for awesomeness.

We got home and finished the laundry. In bed early.

Work Friday, which was kind of lame. There was no one there. The day went kind of fast, but mostly slow. We missed a trail ride with my brother, which would have been awesome. The old Jeep doesn't get out much right now. That's fine, because it's supposed to be a "recreational" vehicle, but it would have been nice to do some "recreation". We got home to a houseful of people working on K1's second car. Didn't expect that. Made "leftover meat pie" for dinner. It was a hit. Got some grandsons time.

To bed early. Up early Saturday. Hit the grocery store, and then had the grandsons all day so K1 and J could go car shopping. Their current car has left them sit several times over the last two weeks and it's not safe for the babies. They did find a car, but can't pick it up until Monday.

We had a great day with the grandbabies. Big Mr. B is so funny. We did crafts (he came up with an amazing idea for a Christmas craft for his house), made cookies, and talked about the book we are writing together. Little Mr. B is hysterical. He is so busy and snuggly! We made them dinner because we knew how stressed out they were coming back from the day of car shopping, financial wrangling, and the whole nine yards. We made Butter Chicken and it was amazing. Little Mr. B learned how to play the piano and was hysterical! He would play and we would clap and he would clap on himself and just laugh! Thankfully we got video!

Then some writing! Making good progress!

Today. Slept in. Got up and headed up to "work daughters" house to help with her water. That didn't go well, but it did get kind of worked out. Came home and took a nap. That Man had started our crock pot dinner when he got up, so that was perfect. We woke up from our nap and had dinner. It turned out really good.

Did some laundry. The kitten pissed on our shirts... Grrr.. The vet will be called tomorrow. Something is wrong with him. I don't want to have to re-home him, but I cannot abide by things getting peed on. He's a very nervous kitty, so maybe there is something we can do to help him.

I also found out that my cover for Into the Fire is in a cover of the month contest.

So cool! I am excited! The cover artist did such an amazing job!

Twenty-four days until Christmas. We'll be okay. We're figuring the whole thing out currently. Three of the grandkids are done. Three more to go. But we have two birthday grandkids in there.

That is all...


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