
Tuesday, December 03, 2019

Tuckered Out Tuesday...

I literally just sat down about 10 minutes ago... Well, I mean I sat down a lot today - I work in an office, and have to sit to travel back and forth to work, and...Ha!, but 10 minutes ago was when I finally was able to think about actually sitting on my couch and putting my feet up.

Did a lot of running around at the office today though. Annual calendar shipment and distribution and by the time I was done, I was sweating! Up and down the stairs at least six times, into and around the warehouse several times - and our warehouse is ginormous. Anyway - for my first big order, I only messed up one calendar and I hope he's going to be okay with what I accidentally ordered for him. If not, well, that's okay.

We left work and picked up K5. Took her to dinner and had a blast! She gave us her Christmas list, we drew pictures, practiced cursive, and goofed off. Had mini mozzarella sticks as an appetizer (those were amazing), a good dinner, and ice cream for dessert. I'm sure they were ready to kick us out of the restaurant for being loud,  obnoxious, and staying so long. We tipped well though. Drove around and looked at Christmas lights while we waited for her mom to get home and then hit the road for home.

Then... The regular Tuesday night chores... Trash and recycling out. Cat litter boxes. Ugh... Ran around and got that done. Helped K4 with some stuff since she fell down the steps and hurt her tailbone pretty bad. She picked up her geckos from the person who had them and got them settled in. They are so cute - Ruby and Sugar - Sugar is tiny and is missing her tail. Ruby is a little bigger. They are set up in their heated cage.

Grabbed the packages off of the front porch. Half of the grandkids are taken care of for Christmas and both December grandbaby birthdays - though one of the gifts is a heck of a lot smaller than we expected, but it should be fine. Three more grandbabies to go!

And now we're now...

I am four votes away from second place in this cover contest!!

A little over three days to vote left and then the first 100 covers go to the next round. It's exciting and I am so freaking touched by how many people have shared and voted! It's been amazing!

And if you're so inclined, I sincerely appreciate your vote!

And that is all. I am decompressed enough to actually write something now...


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