
Friday, October 19, 2012

Feel Good Friday

Made it to Friday!
We lost our hot water heater this week. The verdict is still out on whether it's the cheap part or the expensive part. Obviously, I'm hoping for the cheap part. I could totally be a pioneer woman, or able to survive the zombie apocalypse. Boiling water on the stove for baths, carting that crap up the stairs to fill the tub. Fun stuff... not!
Let's get to the list, shall we?
1. My kid arriving home safely from her trip to Rome, Italy, and France. Lucky kid. She had a blast, but we missed her around here.
2. K3 getting a chance to take a break. He's been working so hard with school, practicing like a maniac for the school play and chorus, helping with stage crew, and doing scouts that he hasn't had two seconds to relax. They were off school today and he got to sleep in, play video games, and rest.
3. The fact that neither kid balked at the idea of taking a bath and carting water up the stairs.
4. Not having to go to the grocery store or run errands after work tonight. I actually managed to plan ahead and had dinner in the crock pot for tonight. Maybe I'll get around to eating soon.
5. Getting a chance to have dinner with the besties this week. We had to reschedule once because of me, but we managed to make it work. I miss them a whole lot and I miss the time we could spend the entire day together.
6. Sleeping in tomorrow.
7. Hopefully getting to see K5 this weekend.
8. K3 turns 16 in one week! How weird is that?
9. Looking forward to Thanksgiving and Christmas. That is also weird. I usually don't!
10. Writing time!
That is all. My kid is home and I can't wait to hug her!

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