
Friday, January 10, 2020

Feel Good Friday!

Let's just get to the list!!!

1. Friday! Whoot!

2. K4 taking care of dinner & clean up tonight. No cooking. No cleaning up. Nice!

3. Getting to see Mr. B on his birthday for a few minutes. They are in Cub Scout pinewood derby preparations and stopped by for some advice on the car. I asked Mr. B how he could possibly be seven already and he told me that I hadn't been paying attention. LOL! He's a crack up!

4. Sleeping in tomorrow! Yes! It's been a rough sleeping week. I don't know why.

5. Dinner with "the boys" last night. We had K3 & A, K3's best friend and his partner, M, over. K3's best friend just found his mother deceased. It was super bad. We assisted as "pseudo-parents" at the funeral home since the poor guy has no one with experience around. (He and K3 have been best friends since early high school so he is like our son, too.) He's an only child and has absolutely no close family. So dinner was a way to catch up after the horrific time and make sure he's okay. He's doing well. He's a great guy. M is also a great guy, and we had a really awesome time getting to know him. We approve. I was going to ask K3 to bring a game to play, but as it turns out, we didn't need one. We laughed our butts off just talking about random stuff. 

6. Book Signing tomorrow! I'm excited to go with my new books!

7. I did not write last night, which I had planned for. I did a few words tonight - not as many as I have been doing, but enough to keep me on track. And there's always the chance I'll not sleep again and decided to get some words down...

8. Did I mention sleeping in? K4 is taking the dog tonight, which means I won't have to share my blankets, share my leg space, or fight for air since I'm stuck in the middle. Don't get me wrong, I normally don't mind the dog sleeping with us, but sometimes it's nice to have a break.

9. Going to see Mr. B's  Pinewood Derby race on Sunday and giving him his presents. That Man is super excited to go to a derby race. It's been a long time. We've done countless derby races - served food, made french fries, carved out cars, painted cars, did last minute weights on cars, baked cookies and pies, organized, cleaned up, gone to the next level with some pretty cool cars. In fact, Mr. B took home several of his dad's old pinewood derby cars for inspiration. It will be interesting to see what has changed.

10. Also Sunday... Oh wait... Laundry... nevermind...ha!

That is all!


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