
Wednesday, January 08, 2020

Mid-Week Mayhem...

Okay, so there's no mayhem. I made that part up... Ha!

It's, so far, been a pretty quiet week around here.

We did have some most beautiful snow yesterday. It's still pretty, but now it's freaking cold and blustery. Which is fine. I mean, it's winter, it's supposed to be cold. And with snow on the ground, I don't mind it so much. Well... I do mind the cold wind. That's pretty much bullcrap.

The day job is good. Still learning new stuff. Obviously that's going to be the case for a while. Went to the dentist for a cleaning for the first time in a long time, which was good. Not as bad as I expected, at all. I also made an eye doctor appointment, which also hasn't happened in a long time. (Do you see the thread here? Hmm...) (I have, however, had my mammogram regularly...)

I feel like I'm becoming a regular, whole person again...

I got my print books for Redemption: Sector One! They are so beautiful and I am so happy! I have my first book signing with them on Saturday! I'm so excited! And then, the next event is the annual greenhouse thing next month, which I am also excited for.

And... the writing is going spectacular! I have written every single day since last Friday, and not just a few words either. I made a pretty lofty monthly goal, and I am overachieving that so far! The story is going well and falling into place. In fact, I finished my words about a half-hour ago, which gives me time to goof off on the Internet. As I increase my stamina to normal proportions, I will be writing more and more words each night and still have goof off time. Oh! And I need a good chair for my office, so... I need to put that on my list!

The crap going on with the national writing organization is so epically ridiculous that it's like riding a crazy train through a ten-ring circus, or maybe worse than that... Today was especially crazy. It's like watching a superbad and cringey tv show that never has any kind of redemption or understanding. And I am not kidding at all.

Other than that... It's Wednesday...

And that is all...


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