
Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Update on Fred

Fred is still being skittish and standoffish. But he's still hanging out in the common spaces with us, so that's good. He seems to be more mad at That Man than me, though That Man had nothing to do with the trip to the vet, or what happened to him. I'm the one who put him into his cage, drove him to the vet, and left him there.

I haven't gotten him on my lap for more than a few seconds yet, but he is taking his meds. Currently he is sacked on the couch. Thanks to my brother, I was able to get his pain meds into him. He gave me the best way to do it and it worked!

There has been no pee though, which is good. You can tell that the bladder meds really make him feel better. Within twenty minutes, he's himself again. That Man has taken over administering the meds since Fred wasn't being the friendliest to him before staying at the vet. That Man would rather Fred be himself and in my lap. Sweet.

It's Wednesday. Today was a rough day at the day job. Probably my roughest yet. But I got through it and it's good. My immediate coworkers are amazing and so is my boss. I'm still 100% sure I made the right decision. Though, I am still adjusting. I guess when you think about the length of time I worked like a crazy person, it makes sense that it's going to take more than 60 days to work through it all.

I'm sitting at almost 3,500 words for the week so far and it's Wednesday. That's awesome to me. It's been a long time since I've written like this and I love it. I am over halfway to my goal for the month! My brain actually is working again. For the first time in a very long time, I have random story thoughts and ideas throughout my day and during the night and when I wake up. Brain healing?

I had a dream last night that I don't remember much of, but I do remember that my mom was in it. And so was my Suburban. I remember being freaked out about something and then I got into the Suburban with my mom. As soon as I closed the door, everything was good. What does that mean?

That is all!


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