
Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Freddie is Home!

He's not a happy kitty, but he's home and I'm glad.

He has an inflamed bladder and severe anxiety. Geesh!

There are so many factors that can cause this. We're still researching and hopefully can figure out how to connect the dots. I mean, he was only three weeks old when we found him.

The vet put him on pain meds because it hurts when the bladder is inflamed. And they have him on a bladder med. We have a few things to try as far as lessening his stress - who knew there's wet food for stress? We're also going to try the cat calming diffuser.

But the ultimate thought is that he's still very young and it's really possible that he'll grow out of it. That's what we're hoping for.

When we got home, we took him to K4's room since we had to go to the grocery store. None of us wanted him to be alone roaming around the house and there was a huge chance he would hide and we wouldn't be able to get his meds into him. K4 got the liquid med into him and then we let him come downstairs. He only took part of his pain meds, but it seems to be enough. He's currently laying on the living room floor all stretched out.

He's with his people and his buddies and that seems to be what he needs.

That's about it... I did my words and some other household administration duties and now I'm ready to close up shop and relax - hopefully with my orange kitty on my lap. We'll see if he's mad at me or not...

Oh! Snow is forecasted for the weekend! While I'm happy about the possibility of snow, I'm not happy about the way it could change our plans. We'll see.

That's all...


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