
Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Setting myself up...

Anyone who knows me knows I have an interest in the paranormal.
So, tonight I signed on the Internet to do some additional research for Under the Bridge. Things weren't going well. I wasn't finding what I wanted (I've come to the conclusion it's just not there. Whatever. I'll deal.). I decided to go a different direction and clicked over to a website I check out when I get one of 'those' emails - you know, the ones that claim kidney hunters are waiting at gas stations to rip out your vital organs and watch out for the needles hidden in the gas pumps and don't flash your headlights and if you forward that email you'll get a hundred bucks for every person you send it to and a recipe for some famous restaurants equally famous dessert - Yeah, you know which ones I mean.
I went to the site to check out some older urban legends to see what I could find as inspiration.
And I ended up spending way too much time looking at "ghost photos". Page after page of eerie images and not so eerie images. Some were pretty freaky. Others not so much.
I'll let you know if I have weird dreams tonight. As a disclaimer, I have to say I usually don't. I've watched scary stuff while already in bed and haven't had a second thought. Except I think the odd dreams from the last time I looked up spooky stuff are still hanging over my head.
We shall see...

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