
Thursday, February 01, 2018

Thursday Exhaustion

Thank goodness tomorrow is Friday.

I'm beat.

This week at the Day Job has been harrowing, to say the least. My work load is insane and I found out today that it's going to get even more insane, though some of my duties will hopefully shift. It is what it is, and things will even out soon. Even though it's nuts, we have a great team and awesome supportive supervisors who treat us like real people and value not only our input, but us as people, and that's something you don't find many places. So yeah, there's that.

We always ended running around through the last part of the week for one reason or another. Last night we had a meeting to go to. Tonight we ran all over the place gathering food for That Man's Inventory lunch tomorrow. He was in charge of procuring the food items needed. He does it every year. It's a huge day for them, so they like to show the employees their appreciation by serving them lunch.

Tomorrow night is Date Night, though we can't decide where we're going yet. We still haven't remembered what our Saturday commitment is, so we'll cross that bridge when we get to it. Ha!

That's pretty much all I have to say at the moment. I need to get a few minutes of writing time in before I hit the sack.


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