
Saturday, June 30, 2018

Feel Good Friday! The Saturday Edition.

Holy Cow! It's freaking hot outside!

I'm currently in the air conditioning. In our room. It's too hot to be downstairs. Yes, we live in a super old house and we don't have central air. We have window units in the bedrooms and that's it. That Man worked in the heat all day, so he's pretty much broken right now.


Here's the Feel Good... And not all about Friday...

1. Sleeping in this morning.

2. An easy dinner last night and much air conditioning time.

3. The kitten baby sleeping in this morning, too.

4. Work things. Interesting and kind of promising. We'll see what happens.

5. That little demon kitten. He's so freaking cute. He's thriving though. Learning new things every day. Last night he used the litter box all by himself. He forgot about that today, when he peed behind the couch. Oy! Kittens! He apparently thinks I'm the feeding thing. When he crawls up on me, he starts licking my shirt. Oy!

3. The grandson telling me all about a million and a half things. He's decided to hang out with us in our air conditioning. We're watching Science shows and looking up icebergs on google. He's like a sponge and is interested in everything, even though he still doesn't believe Galapagos Turtles are real. He thinks I made them up and he still thinks my name is Becky... LOL

4. Hopefully, I am going to write in a few minutes. The grandson is making me help him make cakes in his game app, which is killing all of my available brain cells.

5. Tomorrow is K5's birthday party. Our little girl is 8 now. So weird! She's such a special and amazing kid. We have a "kid safe" texting app that we use. It's awesome to be able to send her random pictures and texts. She's hysterical.

6. Upcoming trips. I cannot believe June is over already!! Holy moly!

7. Tomorrow I will be posting a link for Discover a Cover. Participate! You could win free stuff!

That's all I have for now.. The grandson wants me to figure out a puzzle with him and I think he's totally smarter than me on this one...


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