
Thursday, May 09, 2019

Thursday... Oy Vey!

Today is Friday Eve!

That's my new thing. I was talking to a client this morning and she said that - totally changed my day! I shared it with the office and it did make a difference in our attitudes. It's been a super, super rough week.

The new hire lasted 2 1/2 days. The IT guy was let go, too. Not sure what happened there, but think it had to do with sleeping on the job. I had high hopes for the new guy. And I'm going to miss the IT guy. He was weirdly different but a good part of our team. So... morale is kind of low at the moment.

The kittens are trying to climb across my computer. They are crazy busy, though some are sleeping.  Well. Not anymore. Now everyone is up and yelling.

I did my words. I'm mentoring a young writer, so I checked out her latest stuff. I also did some critiquing. Not much of any, but enough to help me feel like I'm at least working at a balance.

My eyes are weary and my head is achey. I've been in front of a computer screen for nearly fourteen hours now. I am done for the night.

The weekend is coming. Our plans include Jeep work, yard work, and good food. Sunday is Mother's Day and I don't want to get into that yet...

That is all!


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