
Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Good guessing...

Here we go with the answer!

1. I noticed the dog had something large in her mouth earlier. When I stepped outside to see what she was into, I found a large male duck in her mouth. He was dead and I don't think she killed him. I'm a little confused as to how the duck came to be dead in our yard. You'll also be surprised to know that I managed to remove the duck from the very protective dog and hide it so she couldn't get to it again...though I don't know what to do with it now. Do you throw it away or bury it? I'll let B figure that one out. Nope. But there were ducks in my back yard. The neighbor said one was wounded. K2 took pictures. Unfortunately, I didn't get to see them since they were gone by the time I got home.

2. K3 had a dental procedure this morning to remove several stuck baby teeth. They gave him nitrous. The last time they gave it to him, he hated it. I think he liked it a little too much this time. Not only did he ramble constantly the whole way home, he sang to me, including songs I didn't even know he knew. Yes! It was an interesting experience. All I could think about was how much bigger than me his is, and what was I going to do if he fell down or something. He sang Michael Jackson to me the whole way home and insisted I stop to buy him some applesauce.

3. I mentioned yesterday how I demolished my only pair of jeans, but I didn't mention how. Maybe because it's embarrassing to reveal that as a grown woman, I decided I could still climb trees as well as I did when I was a kid. Not only did I wedge myself between branches, but I got the butt of my jeans caught on a particularly sharp stub of a branch and tore the seat right out of my well-worn jeans. Nope. The truth is: the thing that holds the button in place ripped and then the zipper wouldn't stay up at all. It made for a very uncomfortable day.

Tomorrow! I will be blogging from the RETREAT!! And, since I found the camera and the cord, and remembered to buy batteries, there will pictures!
Until then...

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