
Thursday, October 21, 2010

Random Thursday

Like: The weather today. Gorgeous. Though I am still cold inside of my house. We are resisting firing up the furnace. We'll see how long we last!
Do Not Like: The stink bug that was in the shower with me. Really? Way to take a relaxing experience and turn it into total paranoia.
Like: The smell of dinner cooking.
Do Not Like: Not being able to find all of the towels. This is getting ridiculous! I have considered the possibility of the evil gnomes being behind the missing towels. It is likely. Now to find where they are hiding and set traps.
Like: Getting some editing done.
Do Not Like: The fact that every single time I go to my doc, something happens - either someone calls, the doorbell rings, or there is some reason that my attention is pulled away. Sometimes I feel like it's cosmic interference!
Like: That it's Thursday. Even though today is pretty darned busy. It just means we are one step closer to the weekend and the fun wedding we're going to.
Do Not Like: That I have no idea what I'm wearing to said wedding. No idea. I will be raiding a friend's closet tonight. Keep your fingers crossed that I find something that doesn't make me look like a well-dressed hippo.
Do Not Like: That I didn't succeed in losing the weight I wanted to before this wedding.
Okay, that's enough. I wanted to make the list more balanced, but there's a throbbing in my head that won't quit and about a million and two things waiting for my attention before I can get back to the editing.

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