
Sunday, February 23, 2014

Sunday Random...

Everyone in this house is asleep already. Except for me. For real? It's not even 10pm? That's like insanity for this house! Normally we're all up way later than necessary!
I'm watching The Walking Dead. By myself. And it's awesome! (The Walking Dead, I mean, not being alone to watch. Though I'm really the only one who watches in this house. K4 is so far behind it's ridiculous) (And yes, I spent a full three days getting caught up, so... Okay, I get it...) That Man hates zombies, so even though he'd love everything else about the show, I can't get him to watch. Hell, I hate zombies, too, but I'm so caught up in the world and what is going to happen next.
I slept in a little this morning. It was good. That Man made coffee. That was also good. He also made breakfast. Yes, good again.
Laundry was done. A friend stopped in to meet Elsa and donate books for my "local author basket" for the scouts upcoming spaghetti dinner. (If you're local, hit me up for details on the dinner) I made dinner. Actually, I made tonight's dinner yesterday but ended up ordering pizza because we were all too tired to finish dinner.
It was so warm and wonderful today. That Man and I sat out in the sun for a while. I didn't get the nap I wanted, but I did get a lot done!
It's raining now. I guess the rain is supposed to turn to snow?
That's it...

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