
Friday, September 07, 2018

Feel Good Friday

Hello, Friday! You are amazing! Well, you are now since I'm out of the day job for a few days. Earlier you kind of sucked as I trudged through yet another day at the office.

What was good about this week?

1. Having Monday off. That's a no-brainer.

2. Writing every night this week except one. Whoot!

3. Air conditioning.

4. Cooler temps now. Thank goodness.

5. Sleeping in tomorrow. Yes!

6. Not having weekend plans except organizing and writing.

7. Dinner out with That Man. We went for burgers and fries and they were amazing.

8. Running around with That Man. We had to gather some stuff for K4.

9. Having the ability to lock down K4's debit card. Especially good since she lost her wallet tonight and is freaking out. Ugh!

And I'm out of here.


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