
Wednesday, April 03, 2019


Halfway through.


I worked almost 11 day-job hours today. Went in early. Worked from home after dinner. Ugh. But I made progress, though it feels like bailing out the Titanic with a tablespoon right now.

And, I made dinner. Not because I had to, because I wanted and needed to. Cooking is good and relaxing. I kicked That Man out of the kitchen, though I did let him do most of the clean up. Ha! Not really - we did it together and very quickly, too. Shrimp & Pasta - and it was really good.

I also wrote. I'm still on word count goal, like amazingly so, which surprises even me. Super happy about that! It's like some kind of balance or something.

My eyes are broken though. Sooo much screen time. My old boss sent me a meme about not working more hours than you sleep. HA! I think I slept 6 hours last night and I've already worked - between writing and day job - more than twice that. No wonder I feel like I'm living in some alternate reality zone. And I do.

Tomorrow I will go in early to do the day job, but I think my allotted overtime hours for this pay period are soon done. Which is kind of a relief as far as killing myself trying to get us caught up. It might mean a normal day on Friday, which would be weird.

Also, I am moving my desk tomorrow to be more accessible to the newbies. It's going to be weird, because I'm all by myself right now with no distractions. I'm moving directly into the lions den with all of the noise and distractions. I know I'm going to regret it, but I really have no choice. There are two of us legacy employees and four new people... And no real way to keep track of them... Ugh...'s time to try to sleep. I think I need to cut back on the caffeine... I'm still rolling like it's nine in the morning, which is a real problem... I mean, I could do laundry. Vacuum. Organize my office. But I must sleep. Ha!


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