
Thursday, May 21, 2009

Chaotic Randomness

I mentioned mice in my last post. Let me explain.
On Tuesday, my sister posted on her Facebook that their camper had mice. At first, I thought that was kind of funny (in a holy crap that's a lot of work kind of way), then it hit me that our camper was parked right in front of theirs - close to the woods. And if theirs had mice, then what were the chances ours didn't?
So, we rearranged Wednesday night's plans to go check. We were lucky. Totally mouse free. So, we helped them get their camper cleaned up and hung out a little while, which was nice, but not very productive in getting the family ready for the weekend.
That's what I've been trying to do today, and let me tell you, it's not going so great. Between an excess of laundry, people bringing desks home that have to be taken apart to go up the stairs and then put back together in their rooms, cleaning rooms to make space, and rearranging furniture in other rooms for spillover furniture, writing, errands, last minute brownie making for student teachers who are leaving tomorrow, fundraising stuff for scouts, homework, missing items, people that clean their cars out and leave their crap behind on the patio, yardwork...well, you get the idea. Plus, no one wants to get their clothes packed. I guess they'll wear the same dirty clothes all weekend. Won't matter to me.
Come hell or high water we're going to camp on time! I bought marshmallows!
I will probably be vacant over the weekend. Maybe. Who knows?

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