
Thursday, November 22, 2018

Happy Thanksgiving!

I hope you had a blessed day!

I did.

It ended up even more chill than we thought it would be. We ended up losing half of our guests at zero hour due to illness. Ack! Most of our kids were here, and some friends, so it was still an amazing day.

It was also the first Thanksgiving without That Mom, which has been rough for all of us, but especially That Man and That Sister. And it just makes me miss my own mom and dad more than I thought I was supposed to this year.

I thought it was supposed to get easier as the years go by...

Yeah. Not.

I found myself picking up my phone to call mom to ask a question about the turkey early this morning. It sucked when I had that moment of realization. A lot.

We did have a really good day though. Dinner was awesome. Clean up was hysterical. The "kids" playing games was even better. Watching Groundhog Day because we couldn't find Christmas Vacation or the Fire Stick remote was even better. Two people trying to work the Fire app on my phone and failing was even funnier.

Good conversation. Listening to the kids laughing and having a good time. Laughing a lot about silly things and nothing at all. And homemade whipped cream! Yay!

And I wrote. I had only expected to get my fifty words, but I ended up with a tiny bit over 1k. Awesome.

Tomorrow is the day job... Oy... It's going to be interesting...

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