
Friday, January 04, 2019

Feel Good Friday

Thank you, Friday.
We've already agreed it's been a long week, even with the day off. It's the truth, though.

So here's the list:

1. Co-workers and Sales Reps. They are seriously the only reason I made it through the work week.

2. Quick grocery store dinner last night. Take out tonight. No dishes. No cooking. Yay!

3. The furnace coming back to life. I fought with it until almost midnight last night and fully expected to come home today to a freezing house. I even stopped and bought fire logs, but we didn't really need it. It somehow resurrected itself. I'm still kind of fighting with it, but it's warm in here and the coal is cooking. I swear the coal was cursed.

4. Laughing with a friend on the phone after work. Much needed.

5. Texting with That Man. He's at the place. He's feeling better. He'll be home tomorrow. I wish I would have gone along. Now that it's too late, I realize I could have gone. Dammit!

6. Getting words on the page. I've done pretty well this week even with the bone tired fatigue.

7. Writing meeting tomorrow. Yay.

8. Sleeping in a little tomorrow. Also, Yay! And I hope to get to bed far earlier than I did last night now that the coal has lost its curse.

9. Taking K4 out to dinner before she leaves to go back to school on Sunday. We have a delicious plan!

10. Hopefully getting the Christmas decorations taken down this weekend. I'm apathetic about the whole thing though. I just don't care. We put everything up so late, that I don't mind that things are still up. Except the tree is dead. I haven't put the lights on since Wednesday. I want to because I love it so much, but.... dead is dead and dead is dangerous... Eventually, I would love to be able to put the decorations up right after Thanksgiving so that by now, I'm sick of the whole thing and have taken it all down, but I don't foresee that happening for a while... Ha!

That is all...


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